Police Foundations Sheridan College
About this Program
Level: Diploma in Police Foundations
Discpline: Administrative Law
Length: 4 semesters
Check My EligibilityDavis Campus Campus
Program Description
Police services have strict hiring standards. At Sheridan, you’ll take physical fitness and other seminar courses to prepare you for these requirements. You’ll also learn current legislation, and how police promote and maintain safety. If you want to become a police officer or want a security-related career, this program prepares you for the next steps. The Internet, terrorism threats and changing laws require a modern approach to policing. Sheridan’s Police Foundations program gets you ready for it. You’ll learn: Canadian law, Police policy/procedures and legislation, Police fitness, Investigation and interviewing skills, Conflict resolution, Forensic crime scene analysis.
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Study and Work in Canada
Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.