BSC (HONS) Agriculture Anglia Ruskin University
About this Program
Level: BSC (HONS) Agriculture
Discpline: Agricultural and Resource Economics
Length: 6 semesters
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Program Description
Our course recognises changes in UK agriculture in the wake of recent policy developments, and the impact of climate change. It covers all aspects of arable and livestock farming, as well as the wider environment in which production will be taking place. We explore food production systems and precision farming – but also the economic, social and environmental sustainability of production practices, food security, consumer behaviour and supply chains. Study at ARU in Writtle, where our farm and field facilities support hands-on learning and sustainable practice. They’re an 'open laboratory' where you can observe, experiment, analyse, evaluate and gain the skills that employers want. We work collaboratively with external companies and organisations, so that you graduate ready to work in the agricultural industry.