BSC (HONS) Psychology with Clinical Psychology Anglia Ruskin University
About this Program
Level: BSC (HONS) Psychology with Clinical Psychology
Discpline: Psychology
Length: 6 semesters
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Program Description
You’re fascinated by human behaviour, emotions, and relationships, and want to make a real difference to people’s lives. On our British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Psychology with Clinical Psychology degree course, you’ll learn the main principles of psychology and how they’re applied in healthcare settings. Together, we’ll explore the science behind what we do and who we are, with a strong focus on clinical and developmental psychology, mental health, and therapies and interventions. You’ll also develop the scientific, analytical and research skills you need to become a psychologist. By studying psychology at ARU, you’ll immerse yourself in the science of mind and behaviour – and take the first step towards a career as a chartered psychologist, or training as a clinical psychologist.