Education Assistant and Community Support
Tuition: $16,680.00
Application Fee: $150.00
Certificate in Education Assistant and Community Support -
Sep 2025
Level: Resource Management Officer Technology
Discpline: Cultural Resource Management and Policy Analysis
Length: 4 semesters
Check My EligibilityThis program is designed to prepare students for careers related to the protection and management of Canada’s fisheries, wildlife, and parks resources. The program is supported by an Advisory Committee made up of management and enforcement representatives from the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Provincial Ministry of Environment, BC Parks, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, and from resource user groups. Students are required to participate in a 2-week practicum at an off-campus location in the Fall semester of the second year. Students are also encouraged to seek employment with a resource management and protection agency, or in work related to natural resource enhancement or monitoring, in the summer between first and second year. RMOT students are assisting various natural resource law enforcement agencies in monitoring illegal activities within the central Vancouver Island area. These patrols allow students first-hand experience in actual field and communication skills required to monitor and report illegal activities. All these activities are closely monitored with appropriate levels of training and coaching from both RMOT instructors and resource officers.
Tuition: $16,680.00
Application Fee: $150.00
Certificate in Education Assistant and Community Support -
Sep 2025
Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.