Paralegal Centennial College
About this Program
Level: Graduate Certificate in Paralegal
Discpline: Legal Profession
Length: 3 semesters
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Program Description
Access to justice requires well-trained and licensed paralegals to fill the growing demand for affordable services in the legal profession. Centennial College’s Paralegal program will prepare you to excel in the field through strong theoretical and practical courses. The Law Society of Ontario accredits Centennial’s one-year (three-semester) undertaking. This graduate certificate program will make you eligible, upon successful completion of all requirements, to write the Law Society’s Paralegal licensing examination — enabling you to practice as a licensed paralegal in Ontario. Licensed paralegals may represent clients in areas such as summary conviction criminal offences, traffic violations, provincial and municipal offences, tribunals and the Ontario Small Claims Courts. Throughout your studies in the Paralegal program, you'll gain solid knowledge of Canadian law, concentrating on subject areas within the permitted scope of paralegal practice. In addition to dedicated academic lectures, practice management and mock trials, there will be a two-day-per-week work placement in the third semester. It will total 196 hours of hands-on training in established law and paralegal firms. Centennial’s experiential learning will exceed the requirements of the Law Society and assist in preparing you to enter the field, not only with practice experience but also with the chance to network within the industry. As a Centennial Paralegal graduate, you'll be well prepared to write your licensing examination and become an integral part of the legal system.
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Study and Work in Canada
Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.