Msc Psychology (Conversion) University of Roehampton
About this Program
Level: Master of Science in Psychology (Conversion)
Discpline: Psychiatry and Psychology
Length: 2 semesters
Check My EligibilityMain Campus Campus
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Program Description
Convert your existing bachelor's degree into a Masters in Psychology and take your first step towards a career as a psychologist at a leading London university. On this MSc, you’ll learn the scientific underpinnings of the discipline of psychology across a range of key areas, including social, developmental, cognitive and biological psychology. At Roehampton, you will: learn to critically evaluate psychological theory and research gain hands-on training in quantitative and qualitative research methods develop a strong contextual understanding of psychology, and the ability to apply research methods into different contexts learn a range of research skills and methods, to allow you to investigate behaviour and conduct psychological research as an integral part of applied psychology. You will benefit from our world-class library, specialist research equipment (including EEG on our Whitelands campus), and state of the art teaching facilities.