International Stage One (IS1) - Computing (3 Terms) International College of Dundee (ICD)
About this Program
Level: International Stage One (IS1) - Computing (3 Terms)
Discpline: Computer Engineering
Length: 8 semesters
Check My EligibilityMain Campus
Program Description
An undergraduate degree in Computing will provide you with the understanding and ability to design and develop all types of software. This includes the fundamentals of computer science, the principles of programming and algorithms. Computing offers access to a range of future career opportunities such as Software development, Systems Analysis and Information Management. For Computing there are both two term and three term IS1 options available dependant on your English language level. Course description Our IS1 in Computing has been designed in partnership with experts from the University of Dundee’s School of Science and Engineering. This course offers you subject-specific preparation within Computing and will allow you to develop your ability to use software development tools. Upon successful completion, your will continue onto year two of your chosen Computing degree.