Interactive Media Design
Tuition: $15,192.00
Application Fee: $100.00
Diploma in Interactive Media Design -
Sep 2025
Level: Certificate in Fine Art Foundation
Discpline: Fine Arts
Length: 2 semesters
Check My EligibilityBefore you can truly showcase your talents as an artist, you need a solid, technical foundation. With the one-year Fine Art Foundation certificate, you will develop the necessary skills in painting, drawing, video, sculpture, and photography so that you can reach your potential. As a student pursuing your art certificate, you’ll participate in studio-based projects and develop a portfolio of work in your chosen media. You’ll also be given essential instruction in art history from Ancient times through the French Revolution, all the way to the First World War. In addition to strong theoretical training, you’ll also develop valuable written and verbal communication skills in the Communications for Design course as part of your fine arts training. With its emphasis on professionalism in a design workplace, the fine art certificate course will help you prepare to meet the needs of arts employers and the communities they serve. If you decide to progress with your studies, the fine art certificate courses will be excellent training for entering year two of Fanshawe’s in-depth three-year Fine Art program. If you choose to move directly into the working world, the certificate will prepare you to seek entry-level positions such as gallery attendant or artistic assistant. Whatever path you choose, the Fine Art Foundation certificate can help you move forward.
Tuition: $15,192.00
Application Fee: $100.00
Diploma in Interactive Media Design -
Sep 2025
Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.