BSC (HONS) Cyber Security and Forensic Computing Anglia Ruskin University
About this Program
Level: BSC (HONS) Cyber Security and Forensic Computing
Discpline: Computer Sciences
Length: 6 semesters
Check My EligibilityPeterborough Campus Campus
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Program Description
As more of our lives move online, cyber security and forensic computing has become an increasingly important area of expertise. Our full-time, 5-year BSc (Honours) Cyber Security and Forensic Computing degree with a foundation year and a placement year, is designed to equip you with a solid, employability-focused overview of this fascinating and constantly developing discipline. Upon graduation you will be prepared for your first professional role or to continue your studies, should you so choose. On this course you will learn critical skills in networking technologies, as well as the tools and methodologies required to ensure that systems are protected from cyber-attacks. You’ll also develop knowledge in the field of digital forensics, taking a hands-on approach to how computer systems can be forensically analysed for evidence and how this evidence can be presented. Modules in ethical hacking and cryptography will deepen your expertise to prepare you for a career in exciting field of computer science.