BSC (HONS) Software Development Anglia Ruskin University
About this Program
Level: BSC (HONS) Software Development
Discpline: Computer Sciences
Length: 6 semesters
Check My EligibilityPeterborough Campus Campus
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Program Description
Our Software Development degree is designed to equip you with a solid, employability-focused overview of software development and design and prepare you for your first professional role or to continue your studies, should you so choose. Focusing on Full-Stack development and implementation of real-world systems, our Software Development degree will enable you to develop skills in high-level, object-oriented programming languages such as C# or JAVA. The course will include application and web development. Methodologies such as agile and DevOps will ensure that you graduate the course ready to work in a team-based environment through the application of your learning to live briefs, supported by industry partners.