BSC (HONS) Integrated Health and Social Care Anglia Ruskin University
About this Program
Level: BSC (HONS) Integrated Health and Social Care
Discpline: Public Health
Length: 6 semesters
Check My EligibilityPeterborough Campus Campus
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Program Description
This course explores how integration between health services, social services and other care providers can be promoted to improve both care experiences and outcomes for individuals. With its emphasis on person-centred care, you’ll develop the knowledge and skills to be an effective practitioner in a variety of professional roles. By designing this degree with input from key service providers, service users and other stakeholders, we've ensured that you will experience an authentic and contemporary reflection of the current professional environment to fully prepare you for the workplace. The course specifically highlights a breadth of voices, recognising, and responding to inequalities, and including a cross-cultural and global perspective of care, so you'll be ready to practice in a diversity of settings and geographies and able to understand the needs and challenges of different communities and individuals from any background.