Tuition: $11,890.00
Application Fee: $100.00
Associate of Science - Biochemistry -
Sep 2025 | Jan 2026
Level: Associate of Science - Biology
Discpline: Biology
Length: 4 semesters
Check My EligibilityGet hands-on experience learning how living beings function, evolve and interact with each other, as one gains a deeper understanding of the world’s biospheres. Selkirk College offers a great start to an undergraduate degree in biology. Complete the first two years in a learner-centered environment! If biology isn’t a student's passion, but they need it for another program or degree that they are interested in, Selkirk offers a variety of biology courses that are relevant for non-biology majors as well. Who Should Study Biology? Biology is the science of life, so it is relevant to everyone! If one likes biology, one is curious about living creatures. Students might be interested in learning about the complex structure of a bacterium, an insect, a plant or maybe you are interested in human health. A student might also like exploring how intricate genetic, biochemical and physiological processes work. Or, perhaps they enjoy learning how organisms interact with their environment and how ecosystems function.
Tuition: $11,890.00
Application Fee: $100.00
Associate of Science - Biochemistry -
Sep 2025 | Jan 2026
Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.