Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences University of South Alabama
About this Program
Level: Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences
Discpline: Environmental Sciences
Length: 8 semesters
Check My EligibilityMain Campus Campus
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Program Description
he University of South Alabama offers a Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences designed to address the need for a broad understanding of the natural world and its interaction with the demands of human development. A fundamental component of environmental science is its interdisciplinary essence and how this integrative approach can be used to develop mutually beneficial solutions to some of society's most pressing challenges. The environmental and sustainability sciences undergraduate program provides a foundational knowledge base coupled with specialized skills so that graduates can address environmental issues in sustainable ways. Faculty consists of natural and social scientists that have extensive experience working on issues in coastal environments as well as working with communities to sustainably mitigate and manage interactions with them. Students in this program gain an understanding of the science methodologies and applied analyses, applying state-of-the-art field methods, instrumentation, and data analysis to study the natural and human environment from an interdisciplinary systems perspective.