Biostatistics, MS
Tuition: US$39,662.00
Application Fee: US$0.00
Biostatistics, MS -
Sep 2025
Level: Applied Mathematics, MS
Discpline: Mathematics
Length: 2 semesters
Check My EligibilityThis program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to broaden and deepen their knowledge of mathematics with an emphasis on those areas that have been most important in science and engineering. The student will also examine, through seminars and case studies, examples of significant applications of mathematics to other areas. This expanded base of knowledge, together with extensive experience in problem solving should prepare the student for further studies leading to the Ph.D. degree or for immediate employment in many areas of industry and government.
Tuition: US$65,520.00
Application Fee: US$0.00
Master of Management in Energy -
Sep 2025