Computer Science (BA)
Tuition: US$31,415.00
Application Fee: US$0.00
Computer Science (BA) -
Aug 2025
Level: Curriculum and Instruction (MA)
Discpline: Computer Sciences
Length: 4 semesters
Check My EligibilityConcordia University Chicago's Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction provides graduate candidates with an innovative, world-class learning experience. Courses are taught by experienced education leaders and scholars, who assist candidates throughout a rigorous degree track by stressing the importance of integrity, competence and servant leadership. Faculty methods utilize the latest technology and engage students through real-world applications using multiple instructional models. We establish a critical theoretical and practical approach for well-rounded learning environments which prepare candidates for success in the field of education today and tomorrow for education leaders.
Tuition: US$31,415.00
Application Fee: US$0.00
Computer Science (BA) -
Aug 2025
Tuition: US$34,137.00
Application Fee: US$0.00
Computer Science (MS) -
May 2025 | Aug 2025
Tuition: US$31,415.00
Application Fee: US$0.00
Computer Information Systems (BA) -
Aug 2025