BSc (Hons) Professional Health Studies (3rd Year Entry) (Top up) University of the West of Scotland, London (UWS)
About this Program
Level: BSc (Hons) Professional Health Studies
Discpline: Other Medicine and Health Sciences
Length: 4 semesters
Check My EligibilityLondon Campus (Main) Campus
Program Description
The programme is aimed at a range of health and social care professionals such as holistic therapists, support workers, nurses, social workers, paramedics, operating department personnel and other allied health professionals such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and counsellors. You will develop critical and analytical problem-based learning skills and transferable skills that reflect the demands of today’s healthcare professionals. The development of graduate skills and attributes is an essential feature of our programme and as such individual module content will encourage you to explore new ideas and challenge existing views on contemporary health issues affecting everyday practice. By the end of the programme, you will have the ability to identify and propose solutions to problems which capitalise on the potential for enhanced health and wellbeing for patients, clients, residents, and wider groups; through the development of health improvement strategies at individual, organisational and wider societal levels. The modules in this programme are aligned to the following themes: Theme 1: Research Skills Theme 2: Professional Development Theme 3: Contemporary Healthcare Issues