MChem Chemistry University of Lincoln

About this Program

Level: MChem Chemistry

Discpline: Chemistry

Length: 8 semesters

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Application Fee: £0.00
Tuition Fee: £17,200.00

Brayford Pool Campus Campus

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Program Description

Concerned with the study of matter, its properties and reactions, chemistry plays a key role in tackling global challenges such as energy production, health and wellbeing, food security and the use of natural resources. The programme aims to develop the analytical and practical skills required to prepare students for a wide range of science-related careers. The MChem Chemistry degree aims to integrate the core chemistry disciplines with advanced topics aligned to the major scientific challenges of the 21st Century. These include nanoscience for new materials and devices, the chemistry/biology interface for drugs discovery, nuclear chemistry for safe energy generation, biotechnology for new manufacturing methods, and sensors for forensic medical and environmental applications. Students have the opportunity to engage with staff in research projects and this research-focused environment can enable students to develop practical expertise and apply theoretical knowledge to the role of chemistry in the modern world.

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