Take your business to the next level!

Work Smarter and let Aplicar's industry-leading smart platform provide more options to your students. Aplicar streamlines and simplifies the search, application, admission, study visa, and post landing services for you through its flexible service models.

Three Aplicar recruitment partners celebrating their success

The Aplicar Advantage

Man surrounded by coins of different currencies, earned via the many revenue opportunities available at Aplicar

Attractive multiple Revenue Opportunities

Aplicar pointing to the globe with flags indicating Aplicar's many partner schools

Access to 100's of Schools

Hand holding a phone with a picture of Aplicar on the screen; Aplicar is here to support you.

Unparalleled Support

The Aplicar Process

Aplicar pointing to a new Aplicar recruitment partner's profile

Step 1: Create a Profile

Create a single profile for your new Student

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Computer monitor showing the Aplicar web app

Step 2: Submit an application through Aplicar's platform

One profile and you can apply for as many programs and schools as the student wants to apply based on the options generated by the Aplicar's industry leading search

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Computer monitor with a large check mark on the screen

Step 3: Application Review and submission by Aplicar

Aplicar reviews and assesses the application for completeness, admissibility and availability. Once reviewed the application is submitted promptly to the partner schools.

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Letter of acceptance with an 'Approved' stamp

Step 4: Letter of Acceptance issued by School and Shared with your team

Aplicar's stringent quality control and vetting process ensures that your student can expect a letter of offer 95+% of the times.

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A pile of documents with the Approved stamp on it

Step 5: Study Visa application submission, approval and confirmation

Once your student gets the Letter of Acceptance, confirm the approval of study visa with Aplicar's team and make arrangements to register for classes and travel to their school.

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Stack of coins and banknotes and a bag with a $ sign on it

Step 6: Claim and Receive your commission

Once your student registers for classes and start the classes, send us an invoice and get paid your commission.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I have a lot of students I work with; how can you help?

Aplicar's experienced team is fully trained to help our recruitment partners with the program selection, application process, and other support services all through the student recruitment process. Aplicar's team will help you grown your business by giving you the resources to convert, offer program choices to your students, and leaving your resources to generate more business and therefore more income for your business.

How much does it cost to partner with you?

Aplicar's platform is completely free to join and there is no additional cost to partner with us. In-fact, Aplicar with its technology platform will help you increase your revenue and grow your business.

How can I be sure I will get priority over others?

Aplicar's system is set up in a manner where technology meets the human touch needed in working as partners. Our team of dedicated resources for our recruitment partners means faster response time and timely processing of their applications without any delays in the process. Aplicar as a platform is designed on a fairness and equity basis ensuring the completed applications are processed in the line they are received.

Are there any other countries you specialize in?

Aplicar's is a global platform and has support for countries across different regions in the world. To ask for a specific country and the resources that we provide for that specific country please connect with our recruitment partner support team.

How much software do I need to learn to make use of Aplicar?

The Aplicar platform has been developed from the ground up while keeping in mind ease of use with maximum benefits. You do not need any specific software to learn to use our platform. Anyone who has been using the computer daily will be able to use it proficiently.

Partner with Aplicar

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